Welcome, NAF retirees
Find information about your retiree benefits — and much more.

Welcome, NAF retirees
Find information about your retiree benefits — and much more.
Learn how retiree benefits work

What's new in 2025? Find out about coverage changes.
Retirees living overseas
Visit the Aetna International Traditional Choice® Indemnity Plan page for information about the HDHP and non-HDHP plans available to retirees living outside the U.S.
Retirees who live overseas are not eligible for the Aetna® Medicare Advantage with Prescription Drug (MAPD) Plan.
If you move back to the U.S., you’re required to have Medicare Parts A and B, so you will be automatically enrolled in the MAPD plan.
U.S. retirees and family members under age 65
If you and your family members are under age 65, you’re eligible for the same health benefits plans as NAF employees. Use the ZIP code tool to learn what’s available to you.
When you or your spouse turn 65
Medicare is health insurance for people age 65 or older. You’re first eligible to sign up for Medicare three months before you turn 65. You’ll receive a letter from Aetna® around the same time you receive information from Medicare.
- Retired
- Eligible for post-retirement benefits
- Living in the U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii
- Enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B
Your covered dependents will remain in their current DoD NAF retiree medical plan, or whichever retiree medical plan they select for the upcoming year.
You’ll pay a single monthly premium for your combined coverage — and it will be lower than what you pay for your current coverage. Exchange retirees who are grandfathered do not pay the monthly premium for their DoD NAF retiree health plan.
Note: You’ll need to provide your Medicare ID number to your NAF employer to be automatically enrolled in the plan. You’ll find this number on your red, white and blue Medicare card. You can find NAF employer contact information on your NAF page.
A few notes on Creditable Coverage
The DoD NAF employers have determined that the prescription drug coverage when enrolled in the Choice POS II Plan or Traditional Choice Plan offered by the DoD NAF Health Benefits Plan is, on average for all plan participants, expected to pay out as much as standard Medicare prescription drug coverage pays and is therefore considered Creditable Coverage. Because your existing coverage is Creditable Coverage, you can keep this coverage and not pay a higher premium (a penalty) if you later decide to join a Medicare drug plan. You can find the Creditable Coverage Notice for your NAF on your NAF page.
U.S. retirees and family members ages 65 and over
If you’re a retiree age 65 or over and meet eligibility criteria, you’ll automatically be enrolled in the Aetna Medicare Advantage with Prescription Drug (MAPD) plan by your former NAF employer.
Learn more about the Aetna MAPD Plan.
Note: This coverage will continue into the next plan year for you and/or your eligible covered spouse unless you enroll in another Medicare plan or withdraw from the Aetna DoD NAF MAPD plan. Read “Important information about disenrollment” to learn more.
Important information about disenrollment
According to Medicare guidelines, you’re only allowed to be enrolled in one Medicare plan at a time. This means that if you or your MAPD-eligible dependents enroll in another Medicare plan — whether it’s a Medicare Advantage plan, an MAPD plan or a Part D prescription drug plan — Medicare will automatically disenroll you from your current Aetna DoD MAPD plan. This applies even if the other Medicare plan you enroll in offers $0 premium, or no cost to enroll.
If you’re the retiree, enrolling in any other Medicare plan will result in termination of your NAF retiree medical and dental coverage for both you and your covered dependents. If you’re the MAPD-eligible dependent, your medical and dental coverage will be terminated. And you won’t be able to re-enroll in the future.
If you do decide to enroll in another Medicare plan for the upcoming year and to disenroll from your current DoD NAF medical and dental coverage, contact your NAF benefits office by November 30. You can find contact information on your NAF page.
Resources & forms — including premium rates
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